The girls

The girls

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What are legitimate things we wish people would understand about our kids and what are just excesses because we don't want to deal with our kids?

So here's the list, it was taken by Redbook magazine. It was titled, What are the 11 Things Parents Wish Other People Knew About Their Kids?
‎#1.) "Sometimes my kids are loud and obnoxious and it's not because I'm a bad parent."
#2.) "Boys are naturally curious and don't always sit still with their hands in their laps."
#3.) "Just because my house is messy doesn't mean I don't clean."
#4.) "If I had my way I wouldn't bring my kids to the store with me. But I can't afford a babysitter."
#5.) "Children don't come out of molds. They are very individual and have their own quirks that don't always follow 'the rules' in the parenting books."
#6.) "Raising cats and dogs is not the same as raising a child."
#7.) "I value my child's naptime. We'll come to your event, but if we don't work it around the nap, my kids won't be all happy and smiling."
#8.) "I understand that you're getting annoyed. Please have patience while I learn to be a parent and while my kids learn to be people."
#9.) "Children are not miniature adults. They won't react to things the same way a rational adult would."
#10.) "Babies cry and toddlers throw fits. They are not good or bad because of that, it just makes them a child."
#11.) "Please get over simply crying and whining at Target, the grocery store, and restaurants. I can't teach my kids to behave in those places if I never take them there"

 I have a problem with almost every one. I can understand what these parents are saying but they all just seem a bit off point. I try to let my kids be themselves, but they also know poor behavior has consequences and good behavior has rewards. So out in public doesn't mean act like a complete dick and get away with it because what can Mom and Dad do in public to me? They all have tried it, and all found out what happens. We don't give many chances to get their act together, a quick talk and a count of ten happens if you're lucky twice, then it's out the door we leave. Straight home and to their room they go, no prize or treat. Follow through with that a few times and watch how quick they can get themselves together. Even small toddlers know what they are doing and 
understand, no toy or candy if they kick off in the store. And the restaurant isn't any different, maybe even less opportunity to redeem their behavior. We both work in the business so we know how precious that treat of dinning out is for many. I feel for those who have kids and long for a nice pasta dinner or steak made by someone else, no dishes to do, a nice cold beverage and maybe a decadent dessert. I know all too well that longing, hell I have 5 kids I know! 
What kills me, are fellow parents who have no respect for other diners who may not have kids, have kids who are behaving or got lucky and had someone watch their kids. Instead these parents have a possessed,screaming, green vomit projecting monster. They are so desperate to eat out they forfeit any common sense that they might really be ruining the dining experience of the other people around them. Get up, pack the kid up, get the food to go and leave. It sucks, but if you let your child get away with this behavior you will never dine out again in peace for the next 10 years. A side note, who said it was okay to bring infants and very small children to a fine dining restaurant?! LEAVE THEM AT HOME OR DON'T GO OUT. Sorry but it's the cold hard facts, you can pump before you leave, your child will be fine a few hours away from you, and your kid will not forget who you are. Really it's okay, and if you can't afford to pay a sitter then boohoo you don't go out. We've gone without for a years, haven't even go out on our anniversary. But we have called our favorite place and ordered take away, it wasn't exactly the same, but the kids were all sleeping and we shared that moment together. Good food, no kids and a movie, who cares if it was in our home and the kids were just a room away. We found a way to still have nice food and didn't ruin anyone else's dinner.
 So the list is okay, but I feel many use it as an excuse for not stepping up. Yes it's embarrassing when your kids throw a fit, but really who cares what others think! You keep shopping or leave and try tomorrow. No one ever died because they had noodles and juice for dinner. Don't sweat it, roll with it and be creative, next time make shopping a safari and anyone in red must be shot and ate. No one has a clue why your kids are shooting them and laughing because they can't run up and eat you. It's fun and keeps your kids from exploding and you from killing yourself..
As for the idea they're not little adults, it's not totally true. My ten year old acts like she's thirty-five many times! I feel many people don't give children enough credit. They are smart and do understand what we tell them. Maybe not all the words but they do get the general idea. I have never talked to my girls like a baby, I never understood why would you start them off talking dumb? Our kids are sponges and pick up and hear everything. So we need to make sure we teach them early what is expected in different situations, let them know that bad or poor actions lead to consequences and good actions get rewarded in the way of, we'll do it again or go there again. Simple but if you follow through with what you say, they will know and thank you some day when they are older. I know I've called my mom many times to thank her, hehehe.
And just because a parent swears doesn't make them  bad, for me it's a stress release so I can then deal much better in any kind of situations.I never swear directly at my kids ever. And they do know not to swear in front of Grandma! 
 The last one that rubs me really the wrong way is about boys, and their nature isn't to sit with their hands in their lap? WTF?!!!  The only time I sat still with my hand in my lap was at etiquette camp when I was 8. And even then I had a hard time. Let me tell you it's in no child's nature, not just boys. But good manners do help kids, just don't go over the top with them. I'll find the list I did like of manners most children should know by 10, so you have some time to teach them all. Kids are kids and we all teach them what we feel is important. My rule that everyone should know is be respectful.Treat everyone like you want to be treated. The next time you see a parent struggle with an unruly child instead of giving a disproving stare or comment go and help them. With a little tact and some humor you can make a mom or dads day by just lending a helping hand.. On our way home to visit family we stopped for dinner. Even though Johnny and I thought our kids were too busy and a bit loud, a nice couple bought our entire dinner because they thought our girls were very well behaved!  Thank you to that couple, it was just a nice thing to do. I hope one day I can pass that deed on.
Hope you all get something from this, and know it's all a journey of life.We can make it fun and fulfilling or a downward spiral of regret and negative choices. We all can help those around us even if it's just your hand for a little support.

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