The girls

The girls

Thursday, February 9, 2012

What defines a family?

Very interesting subject just came up. I feel like I'm on the fence with this one, because I agree with both sides. What defines a family and your "children?"
As a single person I defined my little family as myself and my best friend and baby "Sirius" my beautiful Rottie. She loved me unconditional and had her own personality and funny things she did. She was the best partners I ever had and got me through some rough times. After I got married and had my girls, they became my babies but my faithful  sweet dog never stopped being my baby either. Our family dynamic didn't get complicated, it just got bigger. The argument arose from a comment that dogs are not children.
I understand both sides, since I have been on both sides. What was surprising was how animate both sides got and how it quickly escalated to slinging not so nice slurs.Yes,dogs are not children, THANK GOD! But do have some similar characteristics children do. And dogs give just as much affection and the same feeling of love we get from children. Dogs give the same sense of companionship and need for us like children, but can't verbalize back to us. Many people have dogs and cats to fill their need to nurture and share their love. Not just single people or  childless couples but the elderly or people who's children may have passed. Those dogs and cats benefit those people in so many ways, not just a pet in their home or lives. I think to say they are not babies or children may be a bit harsh.
I have had dogs my whole life, they have been my best friends and companions. Our Neapolitan Aurora was a rescue dog from a really bad situation. It took almost 2 years to get her to trust us and know we will never leave her or abuse her, she is a part of our family. She is so sweet and gentle with our girls, especially the twins. Who when they came home she would guard them and stay very close. She also is my second shadow, follows me EVERYWHERE! I love that she never wants to leave my side, but to whine outside of the bathroom door is little much. But she shows love and affection to our family, and the girls don't think of her as an animal, they see her as a part of our family, just with a hair problem.
The difference is dogs don't need us in ways children do, and won't put us through hell and back.
Many people who have dogs and cats instead of children have very couple type life style. I personally think some people with just animals who say they "chose" not to have kids are also self centered  and are not willing to give up their current life style to have children who demand all of our time. This isn't bad, in fact there are people out there who have kids who should have just stuck to having dogs or cats. Many people don't want to give up anything they have worked for or finally achieved for anyone, children included. More power to you! But please don't refer to myself or others who do have children as "breeders", or that we are "over populating". It's just like someone with tattoos, don't criticize those who have them, if you don't like them, DON'T GET THEM!".
Same concept, if you don't have kids, great but don't feel the need to sling demeaning slurs about those who do. I do understand childless couples do come under allot of pressure to justify why they didn't have kids and that really is wrong. We don't know the situation behind their decision and as a society we shouldn't  feel we have the right to question anyone decision other than our own. I think allot of the heated comebacks are from the feeling of not being excepted or normal. But at some point we need to get over it and say, fuck it! It doesn't matter what others think I am happy with my life and why I have chosen not to have children.
Now in defense of fellow parents of the non-furry kind, we also shouldn't feel we have to justify why we had one or five children. And to be blamed for over populating is just wrong and crazy. Sometimes I think people say those things because, deep inside they do want kids or can't and lash out. I really hate when people make comments about the number of children I have. We are responsible parents who love our kids and make sure they are happy and well adjusted children. And chose to have that many, I would never call my children "accidents". They are happy polite loving girls who except all and don't have a mean bone in them. If we could we'd have a few more, if we could afford it. But at this point we are happy with our girls and how many we have. And couldn't imagine life without any of them. We chose to have a big family, if people don't agree with 5, then don't have 5 but don't impose your opinion or view on my family. And not to get political, we are PRO-CHOICE, we don't expect our choice to be placed on anyone else.
 Children are allot of work and not for the faint at heart. They get sick,they throw tantrums they are ungrateful, also loving and compassionate beyond their ages. You have to put your life on hold to put their lives first. This isn't something all parents do that have kids, and I feel sorry for them and their children. As a parent you have to make sacrifices for your children in very different ways from an animal. It sucks sometimes, but if you know it's for the best it only suck when you think about it! I played roller derby for a short while, but had to put it on the back burner because I was needed more at home for my girls. This was a big sacrifice because I LOVE derby. It was the one thing I could do, I was good at and had more fun than most will ever know. I get upset some times thinking of skating, but I know in a short time I can go back and play derby again. And my girls will be big enough to start skating too. How kick ass is that? A family of derby girl all ages.
But back to the argument, both sides are valid in their points and what needs to be done, is respect each others choices without throwing around slurs that hurt each other. Agree to disagree, something everyone could do in this world. So I say to both, you have  lovely babies who are blonde haired and blue eyes, pink skin or furry. You both have made decisions that benefit your self and your family and there's nothing wrong with either. In fact you should feel proud of your choices and that's all that should matter. So lets start a new chapter in our lives and try instead of criticizing others or expecting to tell someone how they should live their lives, lets embrace differences and try some restraint if we can't say anything nice. Like my mom always told me, "If you can't say anything nice or complementing, don't say anything at all ". Gotta love what mom says!

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