The girls

The girls

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Government is going too far

So I haven't been posting much just because life is crazy for a mother of 5! But I had to get on and post because of all the crap floating around about health care for everyone. For some reason everyone thinks it will turn us into a socialist society? Well I hate to be the bearer of bad new we sure aren't a democratic society either! We lost the spirit of what America stands for a long time ago. Too many people were glamoured into money and more money and would do anything to get it. HMO's are the fat cats holding all the cards and get to charge more money than most could afford to have basic coverage, and we let them do it! Our government who is suppose to be watching out for our best interest but it's greed before our better cause. It kills me that all the skeptics cry out that it would never work in the USA and that it sucks where ever they have coverage for all it's citizens. Well all systems have down falls and some bad stories, but if over half the WORLD can do it why can't we? Oh wait because our government officials are out to make money for themselves and their friends who give them tons of money to pass laws that benefit them and screw the little man. That's the difference!
I'm sorry but it's pretty sad that for my husband to get help for some major health problems, he has to quit his job, or get fired because of his condition and go on disability to get any coverage. And he might not even get accepted because with simple surgery it could be corrected so they may not let him on. WTF!? I can't get coverage because we make too much, well we make 700 too much to get any help. We are in a society that doesn't care, and the ones that do are too scared or too tired to fight any more. Our government needs to be dismantled and reconstructed to be modern and have limits for everyone running. Guess who we'd get to be representing our interest if all officials had only 2,000 to run their election? No more big corporations funding their puppets to pass bogus laws and loopholes that benefit companies and individuals who should be paying more for their taxes. We would see people who truly want to make a difference and could even with limits of 3 terms. And no more all for me attitude, maybe governors who really want to better education and want our states to prosper.
 Maybe a government that realizes a medicinal drug had more benefits for thousands and could help our farmers do better than break even, free up thousands of jail cells for real criminal like sex offenders and murders, not your local pot dealer. And have people running government offices that don't push mutant food and growing habits that are causing more illness and cancers and go back to real food grown without chemicals and growth hormones, and let the public be able to see where their food comes from, all the way back to it's source. You worry about zombie Apocalypse, well it's going to be that and Demolition Man all in one. We have to take back our country and take back it's position as a respectable country that really is a place people want to live. Because right now, it's a place that no one wants to live in, and the people who do live there can't afford to move because it's government screwed them. And for those who want to point fingers, don't. This situation was caused by both sides and was fueled and let to fester by us. We all have taken a blind eye and would rather point blame than fix this problem. We need to take back what is ours, no more "sit ins" or doing nothing, we need to vote for those who want to do better, want to tax correctly and aren't puppets for big corporations. And sad to say, there is no one currently that fits the bill. As a country we need to vote no confidence in our government and re-build what our country should be. That's my simple thinking, but maybe more need to be more simple and honest than complicated and lie.

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